One of the hardest things about having a toddler for me is making holidays fun and special for him. This was the first year that Andrew could hunt for Easter eggs, so we decided to do a short hunt in the back yard. Honestly, this seemed to be more for us than for him. He didn’t wear a bunny hat, and we kept the eggs confined to areas that he could actually reach.
He really had no concept of picking up the eggs and putting them in his basket. He would pick one up and then throw it right back down in pursuit of another. And when we went inside, the magic of the candy-filled eggs was soon forgotten.
I sometimes find myself wishing that he was a bit older, so he could understand a bit better. So we could dye eggs. So we could talk about the Easter Bunny. So he would know that this day was different than any other.
But then, it hits me.
This time will pass too quickly. Soon, he won’t be a baby toddler anymore. He won’t cry until I pick him up and snuggle him close. He won’t crave my kisses and hugs. He won’t be like this forever.
So I’m going to enjoy it while I can.
Love the super wide angle on these shots! It’s a fun perspective. I sometimes want to hurry up and get to the big kid phase too, but this toddler stage is SO FUN! Everything is so new and exciting. It makes me smile. Glad y’all had a fun Easter!
Thanks, Meagan! And you are right — this stage where they are discovering the world around them is so special!
Love this! A good reminder to enjoy them right where they’re at because one day we will wish we had this time back. Love the cute backyard hunt! 🙂