Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by me on behalf of Graco. All opinions are my own.
Last week, I had the chance to attend a party celebrating the launch of the Graco Little Lounger, a product designed to help babies sleep just a bit longer and give moms a few extra minutes.
As I watched the demonstration, I couldn’t help but think back to when my son was an infant. Every night was a struggle to get him to sleep. I was in a fog most days, barely aware of anything that was going on around me. After three weeks in the NICU, I was hungry for baby snuggles in a way that I had never anticipated. And I guess Andrew was, too.
On one particular night, I was at my wits’ end. I had tried everything to get him to sleep: Rocking him, feeding him, singing to him. Nothing worked. We even had this little glow worm doll that played music that I put in the bed with him. Nothing worked. He’d fall asleep, only to reawaken a few minutes later, crying.
Still recovering from my c-section, I was sleeping on the couch, with Andrew nearby in his pack and play. Finally, I decided to just try to snuggle with him. In our dreary haze, he finally fell asleep.
He’s been sleeping my arms ever since.
I sometimes wonder if I had a product like the Graco Little Lounger if things would be different. Andrew loved sleeping in his swing when he was an infant, partly because of his awful acid reflux. The Little Lounger has a multi-position recline that makes it easy to make your little one comfortable — perfect for babies with reflux issues.
The seat uses Rock Locks™ to transform the rocker into a stationary vibrating lounger. They are so easy to use — simply click them into place, and it locks into a lounger.
The Graco Little Lounger also features a toy bar with two soft toys keeps baby entertained, and a 3-point harness to keep baby securely fastened.
But my favorite feature is that it easily folds compactly for storage or travel. It would be the perfect bed to take along to visit family for the holidays.
All of those features come together to help your baby rest easier, which gives moms a few extra minutes to enjoy around the house. We talked about all the fun things we could do with some spare time — catching up on the latest episodes of Scandal, or perhaps getting ahead on the never-ending piles of laundry and dishes.
Or, if you’re feeling really adventurous, you could get in a quick workout! Amanda from BabyBootCamp.com showed us a few fun exercises for new moms. The key, she said, is to keep your baby engaged in your workout by singing with them, dancing, or even using toys to play with them while you work out!
How fun is that?
The Graco Little Lounger is available in the Caraway fashion exclusively at Babies R Us for $79.99.
Did your children have trouble sleeping as infants?
Looks like a great product. I’ve been my niece’s baby sitter when she was a baby until 2 years old. There are just those times when she just won’t go to sleep other than in my arms – which was so hard to do when you have to blog. I also wonder if this could have made things different. 🙂