So, there’s this pretty little girl I know who *loves* Winnie the Pooh.
When I recently downloaded the iBooks app for my iPad, and guess what book was on the shelf?
As River would say, “POOH!”
Turning a page is so easy and cool! (Yes, that black thing is my finger…)
In the beginning, we are introduced to this loveable, fuzzy, fat bear…
who one day decides to follow some bees…
up into a tree to get some honey!
I just love the illustrations in this book.
But the *best* part?
Being part of the adventures with that silly ol’ bear.
I totally love Pooh Bear! In fact, that is my nickname from my Dad. I totally love that Silly 'ol bear. I am going to have to find that on my bookshelf.
Did you read the whole book? I didn't, we just looked at the pictures! The pictures are too cute!