Lately, I’ve been frequenting the Nest Book Club message board, and it has again sparked my love of reading.
I’ve found many, many great books over the last few weeks from the ladies over there and I’ve decided to start writing reviews of the many books I read.
This is the first of those reviews.
But first, I have an admission to make: I *love* young adult fiction. Particularly, supernatural fiction.
Remember this post, when I waxed poetic about my love of vampires?
<leo_highlight id=”leoHighlights_Underline_0″ leohighlights_keywords=”the%20twilight%20saga” leohighlights_underline=”true” leohighlights_url_bottom=”http%3A//” leohighlights_url_top=”http%3A//” onclick=”leoHighlightsHandleClick(‘leoHighlights_Underline_0’)” onmouseout=”leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut(‘leoHighlights_Underline_0’)” onmouseover=”leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver(‘leoHighlights_Underline_0’)” style=”-moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-size: auto auto; background-attachment: scroll; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; background-position: 0% 50%; background-repeat: repeat; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(255, 255, 150); cursor: pointer; display: inline;”>The Twilight Saga was only the beginning, my friends.
I picked up City of Bones by Cassandra Clare on Sunday. I *could not* put it down.
It was a great, quick read. I liked that the “supernatural”-ism of the book was nontraditional — I’ve read books about vampires and fairies and werewolves *plenty.*
And there are those beings in this book, too.
But the main focus is on Shadowhunters (aka Demon Killers).
I liked that I got to see a new world and learn about new things.
The story takes place in New York and focuses on your average teenage girl with a guy best friend who dotes on her.
Clary’s first clue that she is not as normal as she seems occurs when sees a trio of Shadowhunters (who are invisible to all the other humans around).
Her mother is kidnapped and Clary is whisked away into a part of this world that she never knew existed.
The characters are easy to relate to and I was intrigued by the mysterious, hunky Jace.
I won’t give too much away, but the story focuses on Clary’s efforts to save her mother and uncover her true identity.
It’s action-packed, with a bit of romance tied in. Just how I like it.
This is the first book of four in the Mortal Instruments series.
I highly recommend it!
Another great young adult genre author is Tamora Pierce. She's less demons/vampires/fairies/etc, more gods and goddesses, magic, quests, and some magical creatures thrown in too. I especially like the Tortall series that starts with Alanna: The First Adventure. 🙂