As you all know, I’m married to a Nerd. So I *loved* that there were so many great pop culture references in this novel!If I didn’t understand a reference (like who the heck is Ellen Ripley?), I just asked The Nerd. (Apparently, she’s the chick from Alien.)
It was so nice to see the main character of a book embrace her geeky side.This was such a great plot idea — I haven’t read anything similar to it before.
The pacing of the plot was a bit slow…you don’t quite know what’s going on with Emily for a while. But once it gets there the action comes fast!
I really liked how it was told as a flashback. Emily is telling her story during an interrogation with the Vesper Company. It adds another layer of suspense to the book. Who is the Vesper Company? What do they want with Emily?
The one thing I can say I *didn’t* really care for was Megan, Emily’s best friend. She was just *not* a happy person, and those kind of people get on my nerves. Although, it says something about Sampson’s writing that she was a real enough character to seriously annoy me.
There were a lot of unanswered questions at the end, and I’m looking forward to the next Deviant novel.
Vesper by Jeff Sampson hits stores today. Be sure to pick up a copy!
Great review! I've been seeing this one around blogs a lot lately so I think I'm gonna get it:)
I can't wait to read this! I am so glad you liked it!!! You lucky lucky girl! 🙂