If there is one thing this baby girl loves, it’s taking a bath.
So we knew that she would have a *lot* of fun with a “kitty swim pool” aka a kiddie swimming pool.
You know, those big plastic tubs you see at the front of Wal-Mart each summer?
We brought that bad boy home and filled it up with the water hose.
Man, we sound like a bunch of rednecks, huh?
My pride can take it — she had a blast.
The water was cold at first.
Her daddy splashed some water on her to get her acclimated.
They had fun squirting the doggies with her bath toys.
Hey, those come in handy in the swimming pool, too!
Pretty soon, she was splashing us.
She was having a great time getting her mommy and Nanna wet.
Reenie couldn’t come too close ’cause she had the expensive camera.
One of her bath toys is a big, floating Dora the Explorer doll. It has detachable scuba fins.
She tried to put the fins on her feet.
They didn’t fit.
That was ok, though.
She got over it.
She liked pretending she was swimming, kicking the water up with her feet.
At one point, Lilu (Andy and Alex’s labradoodle) decided to go swimming.
Ok, ok — she was coerced.
It was a good, fun day of swimming.
This is my favorite photo of the day. It was taken before all the wetness.
Like my photos? They were shot was my brand, spanking new Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Medium Telephoto Lens
.It’s my newest toy.
I love how it’s fast enough to capture the little droplets of water in many of my photos.
Thanks so much for looking.
Happy summer!
One way to beat the summer heat (and keep nieces entertained): A “kitty” pool in the back yard.
Aw! What a fun set of summery pics! ^_^ She is a doll. What gorgeous eyes.
Thanks, Brianne. 🙂
These summer pics are bursting with sunshine! Her smile is contagious, and the way her eyes sparkle under that hat is pure magic. I really want to invite her to play basket random with me.
haha thank