I’ve been in a bit of a slump lately.
I understand that has nothing to do with the photo of this post. But gosh, I love that photo.
I found it last night as I was going through the hundreds of pictures I took during Thanksgiving when my family was all together.
Isn’t it just so great?
River looks like she’s having so much fun with her daddy.
Did you know that they’re expecting another? Yup. I’m going to be an auntie again, twice over!
Alex (River’s mom) is due in early January, but the doctors think the baby will come before the end of the year.
Jet (Hyrum’s mom) is due in late January. So many babies coming along in our family!
But I digress.
I have so many fun, beautiful photos to share with you all from that holiday weekend.
But I just can’t bring myself to sort through ’em, edit ’em and post ’em.
As I said, a slump.
I love this blog, and I love all of you, dear readers.
Your comments on my posts make me smile. I wish I could write back to each one of you!
But I just don’t have time.
It’s so difficult to keep up with all of this. All of the cooking, and reading, and picture-taking, and photo editing, and blah blah blah.
I love the design of my site, but I didn’t consider just how limiting it would be. Because of the photo slideshow on the homepage, each post has to have a photo.
And to be honest, I don’t always have a photo for the things I want to write about.
There’s so much I want to tell you. Like how I woke up with the worst migraine I’ve had in a long time yesterday morning, only to find that Georgie had left several runny surprises all over the bedroom floor.
Note to self: Do not feed The Minions canned dog food ever again.
Or how I’m so super-excited about Cataclysm coming out today!! (How am I going to find time to play a video game and do everything I need to do??)
I’ve been in a weird mood lately. I’m tired. And I’m sad. And I feel lost.
Have you ever just felt lost? Like things in your life aren’t going exactly as you planned?
That’s where I am right now. Just lost.
I’m really looking forward to the holiday break coming up. I think that will give me time to clear my head and get my thoughts in order.
It will also give me time to catch up on all the books I promised to read and review and all the posts I’ve been neglecting.
I’ve just got to get there. And there are five cookie recipes standing in my way.
Have I ever told you how hard it is to bake 12 different cookie recipes 12 days in a row?
If I ever get a hair-brained idea like that again, someone *please* knock some sense into me! I’m losing my mind, and I’ve still got five recipes to go!
Oh, by the way, another thing “to do” this holiday break is redesign the site. I’m hoping to move from Blogger to WordPress and make things a little easier on me. We’ll see how it goes. Wish me luck!
Sorry for the super-long, rambling post. Sometimes, you just gotta say what you gotta say.
Whether the picture matches or not.
Awh, I hope you get out of your slump soon. It really sounds like a bummer.
I really love your blog though. The different areas you cover are always so great.
I hope something great happens during the rest of the week and weekend for you to help you get un-sad 🙂
agreed – getting a new lens led to taking more pictures. which led to more sorting through to pick the good ones. which has made me behind in picking favorites since October! Christmas cards…no idea. making photo calendars…too many too chose from. wah wah. I feel you.
I absolutely love your blog, but I understand being in a slump sometimes. I hope your holiday season is bright and cheery and that you have "me" time to do exactly what you want to do. 🙂
It is hard to keep on top of things, but I am sure things will look up in the new year.
Awww….totally understand. I just did a simlilar post today about my reading/blogging slump.
I am enjoying all your cookie posts though!
I totally get it… Quite a few of us seem to be in a total slump at the moment – a reading slump, a blogging slump, a general all-pervasive lethargy… I'm just waiting for the Christmas break to do some reading and try and get everything clear again for new year. Two weeks to go!
And for the record – I love your posts, and I love your photos. Who cares if they match?! 🙂
Do you mean Cataclysm as in… World of Warcraft? I thought I was the only book blogger over here that liked to play computer games, hehe.
Anyway, good luck! Hope you get out of your slump soon (:
Totally understand….sometimes I think, GEE! Why I can't I be as up to date on my blog as Arena? AND she also has SO many followers! I don't feel like I have the energy to do what you have done with your blog.
Babies….ahhh babies. They are wonderful and I'm so happy for all of my friends and family that have been having babies! Now the 2011 round of babies are coming up—I already know of at least three, this year there were sixteen. I'm really truly very excited for them all but the more I see of them the more my heart yearns for one of our own for Cliff & me, and it makes me sad because I know if should just not happen right now. 🙁 I'm not sure if that is what your feeling too but for some reason it just grabbed my attention—sorry for being such a "Debbie Downer."
One thing for sure, I truly appreciate your friendship Arena, and I think you are marvelous!