I have the most *adorable* niece on the planet. There. I said it. You can’t dispute it.
A few days before Christmas, I got to watch (and take photos!) as her parents showed her how to decorate a Gingerbread House. I just loved seeing her excitement as she placed the little bits of candy on the icing, and then discovered that she could eat the little bits of candy!

First things, first. Daddy shows her how it’s done.

Oh that’s what I’m supposed to do?

She’s a quick study.

Now everyone joins in.

Still decorating.

Oops! She caught me!

This is where things got interesting.

More decorating…

Or tasting I guess we should say!


That icing is so good with the sprinkles on it!

So, so good!

Red fingers!

Who, me?

Yes, me!
I love that little angel! 🙂
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that it was filled with the joy of family.
Thanks for looking!
[…] May 7, 2010 / By Arena Blake So, there’s this pretty little girl I know who *loves* Winnie the Pooh. When I recently downloaded the iBooks app for my iPad, and […]