So last weekend while I was at Blissdom, The Nerd was teaching Andrew a few things every little boy should know…
And all hope that our little man would shirk off the Nerdy Genes died.
At least he isn’t running around the yard in a diaper doing it. Can you believe that little girl is going to be FIVE this year? Where has the time gone?
What fun activities does your hubby do with your kids when you’re not around?
That is precious!
Thanks so much!
Boys and their light sabers. We have similar experiences around here!
Haha! So glad to know I’m not alone!
TOTALLY adorable!!!! What a little cutie!
Okay, I have no idea what my husband does with my kids when I’m gone. I’d hope that he feeds them at least, but beyond that….I fear the truth on it. 😉
I do know that he swings them around in the air (like he just don’t cay-ah!) and they squeal in delight, demanding MORE MORE, because I get to hear all about THAT later.
Hahaha! Sometimes not knowing is the best strategy, or so I’ve found. I can just see your hubby swinging your kids around! Ha!
Such cute pictures! Love this post!
Thanks so much girl!