In My Mailbox is a weekly feature that was started by Kristi at The Story Siren.
It’s a chance to learn about the books I received or bought this week.
For My Collection:
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
James bought this book for me when we went to the bookstore one night last week. I seriously read it in a day. It was *so* good and *so* compelling.
I just had to know what happened!
Review to come soon!
The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan
We picked this up at the bookstore that same day. It is a *signed* copy because the author had visited the bookstore last week (I didn’t know about it in time to go…sad panda).
I’m hoping to use this in a future giveaway!
The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
This book was acquired after a second trip to the bookstore. I loves me the bookstore. 🙂
I’ve started on this one and it’s great so far. I’m excited to finish it.
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This book is *huge* but I’m really looking forward to reading it!
What did you acquire this week?
I look forward to hearing about it!
Thanks for looking!
great mailbox!
can't wait to read your review of hex hall. i've seen it around a lot, but i haven't had a chance to go out and get it yet.
iron king and beautiful creatures both look really good too!
Great new stuff! I'm currently reading The Iron King. Kinda =)
Fun! I loved Hex Hall and hope to have the review up later this week, toothy.
And The Iron King was *fabulous*.
I just started Beautiful Creatures. It has sucked me in so far!