The folks from Verizon Wireless challenged us to share our favorite feature from our devices. And while I do love the Xyboard, I have really enjoyed my time with the RAZR the most I think.
One of the things I love the most about it is the camera — it takes great photos and is so convenient to capture the little moments of life. That’s especially important for me with my growing family.
Andrew has gotten so LONG. Earlier this week, I took him to his four-month check-up (he was actually almost five months old, but we’re a bit behind with his immunization schedule because he was sick).
At two months, he was in the 8th percentile in weight. At four months, he’s in the 11th percentile. He’s slowly and steadily gaining weight, and the doctor was really pleased with his progress.
At two months, his head circumference was in the 30th percentile. At four months, it was in the 40th percentile. So he’s growing there, too.
But his length is what was most shocking. At two months, he measured 21.25 inches and was in the 3rd percentile for his age. At four months, he was 25.75 inches and was in the 58th percentile! He grew 4.5 inches in TWO MONTHS! Isn’t that crazy?
I’ve started calling him Bean because he’s such a bean pole.
I should have known that he was getting super long, because his favorite thing to do is to try to kick me in the face. And this is where the RAZR comes in. I just HAD to capture his antics, and the RAZR’s HD video capabilities were the perfect way to do that. What’s even better is that I could upload the video directly to Youtube or Flickr after shooting it. So convenient!
**Disclaimer** I am a Verizon Wireless Ambassador. I received a wireless device and phone/data plan free of charge to use for review and evaluation of Verizon Wireless products and services. As part of the program, I was asked to share my opinions with others, however, my opinions are my own. Please contact with any questions about the Verizon Wireless Ambassadors’ Program.
what a cutie!!