Last year, I bought my first pair of Ugg boots.
I love these boots for their comfort and ease. They are the perfect winter shoe!
This week, we’re staying at my parents’ house with my siblings and their children for Thanksgiving.
And I’m wearing my Ugg boots.
Last night, River saw them sitting in the floor and exclaimed, “Christmas Boots!”
Umm…Christmas boots?
So she had to try them on for herself.
It was so funny to watch her trying to run around the house wearing these hugely oversized boots.
She was slipping and sliding on the floor.
But I think she had a great time.
All’s I can say is…
I know what *somebody* is getting for Christmas!
Thanks for looking!
I love seeing little kids try to run around in big people shoes! And those are some awesome boots!
I love UGGS!
Too too too cute!!
Uggs are great! The crazy thing in SoCal, is seeing women wearing Ugg Boots with mini skirts and tank tops. I can't get used to that one! -Westie