Yesterday, I shared 6 New Products for Babies that caught my eye at the PBJ: Play. Baby. Juvenile. trade show. There was just so much to see and do at the show, but I was able to narrow down my favorite products for toddlers as well. I received samples of some of these items, but others I just tested at the show.
1. Lollacup
This cup is so cool. It is valve-free, so it’s easier for toddlers to drink from. The weighted straw allows infants as young as 9 months old to easily drink from a straw, even if the cup is tilted. The handles make it easy to hold. Andrew just started drinking from a straw a few weeks ago, and he LOVES this cup!
2. Doodle Strap
Does your toddler like to throw things? Who am I kidding…ALL toddlers like to throw things! The Doodle Strap attaches to your toddler’s favorite things (pacifier, cup, toy, etc) on one end, and to an anchor (their chair, carseat, high chair, etc) on the other, tethering the two together and keeping your toddler’s possessions off the floor.
I love that it attaches to another object INSTEAD of to your toddler. Andrew HATES those pacifier straps that attach to his shirt. He pulls them off and throws them in the floor. He doesn’t bother the Doodle Strap, though, since it isn’t attached to him. This is perfect for plane rides, dinner at a restaurant and visits to the doctor. I really, really wish we’d had this product when we flew to Paris a few months ago.
3. Kidaroo Crew Labels
Does your child go to Daycare? Play with friends and there’s a cup mixup? That’s where these labels comes in. You can easily keep track of your child’s cups (or baby’s bottles) with these. There are two different options: SippyGrab (which you write on with a permanent marker) and Snugaroo (which are engraved with your child’s name).
4. Lizza Connor Music
Lizza is a local artist who specializes in songs with rhythm that get kids up and moving. I love that there’s this option for original music that kids actually enjoy. Lizza’s CD features 13 original songs that encourage healthy nutrition, taking care of your body and physical activity.
5. Sakura Bloom Baby Sling
I talked about the Sakura Bloom Baby Sling yesterday, but I had to include it on my list today, too. Because I mean, seriously? I never knew that I could COMFORTABLE wear my 23-pound toddler in a baby sling! I’ve already ordered one of these for myself. I can’t wait to use it every day!
What are your favorite products for toddlers? Any on the list jump out at you?
Disclaimer: I received several product samples from vendors at the PBJ: Play. Baby. Juvenile. show, courtesy of Dallas Market Center. All opinions and photos are my own.
LOVE our Lollacup, although my special needs daughter has yet to use it, she is working on straw drinking and I know she will be using it in the future! I have one suggestion…could you make it so that the parent is able to squeeze the cup so that the liquid goes to the top of the straw to teach straw drinking? This would be especially helpful in the special needs community! There are other cups out there that you can squeeze, but none with the weighted straw (and they’re also prob not made in the US). Just a suggestions. We love your company! 🙂
Hi Karen! That is such a great idea about the Lollacup. I am just a blogger with no affiliation to the company, but you could try to reach out to them through their website:
Good luck!
Ha. So sorry…just realized this! Glad you love the Lollacup like we do!