One of Andrew’s favorite things to do is to go to Barnes and Noble to play with the train table in the kids’ area. It’s a wooden Thomas the Tank Engine set and he loves it so much.
So when it was announced that A Day Out With Thomas would be rolling into the Grapevine Vintage Railroad station, I knew it would be an experience Andrew would love. I was lucky enough to win a family pack of tickets from Jenn’s RAQ, which just made it even better!
Andrew was really excited to play with the train tables and Thomas Mega Block sets they had set up at the event. And when we went to board the life-sized Thomas the Tank Engine, he was even more thrilled. At first, he didn’t know what was going on, but when the music started playing and Thomas’ voice came over the loud speaker, he started clapping and dancing along with it.
I loved that we got to take pictures with Thomas. And we even used the experience to expand Andrew’s vocabulary.
The Day Out With Thomas tour will be in Grapevine again this weekend. You can purchase tickets online for this awesome family adventure!
The pictures are great, it looks like you had a really lovely day.
Thank you, Amy!
I am so glad you were able to go!!! Andrew is just so stinking precious…. and I *love* your family pic in this post. Beautiful!!
Thanks girl! We had so much fun. And now Andrew is on a Thomas kick, so that’s fun!