Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
As for me, I’ve been a little busy today. It was my first day back at work since Spring Break. It was a *long* day.
Yesterday, I did *not* spend the whole day reading. I would *never* do such a thing, especially after pitching a fit because my husband ignores me and only plays video games when he gets home for work.
I was so upset, I told him that he had to move his laptop from the living room into the Nerd Cave. It’s still sitting in his corner of the living room. But, to give him credit, he has *not* played video games on it in several days.
So back to yesterday. I did *not* stay up until Midnight reading because I *had* to finish. It was such a good book:
And then today, I did *not* stop at Borders in between appointments to pick up another book to read:
So, so good!
And now, I’m *not* going to leave you hanging with an insubstantial post just because I am dying to go pick up my book again.
Happy Monday!
You need spring pictures for The Minions…