Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
As for me, I did *not* head out of town on Sunday with my mom needing a break from my life. Not me. I am bright and chipper and do not *ever* just need a break.
And I did *not* find that break in the mountains of New Mexico, playing with my nephew and reading lots of books. Not me. I would miss my hubby and my puppies waaaaay too much for that.
I did *not* come home on Friday night to a clean house, courtesy of The Nerd, and then feel guilty about leaving it dirty in the first place. Not me. I am a wonderful housewife who cleans the dishes and does the laundry in a timely manner, who *never* forces her husband to do any housework.
I did *not* freak out when The Nerd told me that, one day while I was gone, Kaylee pulled a *dead frog* out from under the couch and started playing with it. Not me. I am not afraid to look under the couch for fear of what I might find in her den. Sometimes, ignorance *is* bliss.
And finally, I have *not* been putting off answering the comments on my blog. Not me. I truly do appreciate each one of you who leaves a comment (and even those who don’t) and I promise to try harder to keep up with it all in the future. I really am sorry about this one.
I hope you all have a great Monday!
Thanks for looking!
Hi Arena! Nice to meet you 🙂 I am looking forward to reading more from your blog and your life with a nerd! 😛
Hey chica! I'm so glad you got your break…we all need those from time to time. Hope y'all are doing well!
I have an award for you over at my blog!