Earlier this week, my dad had the opportunity of a lifetime: to skydive with the Golden Knights.
He’s a high school counselor, and works very closely with military recruiters.

So, when the U.S. Army Golden Knights offered to tandem jump with some local celebrities and educators, my dad jumped at the chance.

There he is. Doesn’t he look excited?

Here he is with local weather forecaster Fiona Gorostiza.
As you know, we live in Texas, land of unpredictable weather.
It has been HOT (like over 100 degrees every day) and DRY for the past several weeks.
Well, of course, it had to rain the *one* day they were scheduled to skydive.

The sky was GRAY and the clouds were HEAVY.

So, while we were waiting for the clouds to (hopefully!) clear up, the Golden Knights did a demo jump.

Because they were jumping alone, they could jump from a much lower altitude and avoid the layer of clouds that we were hoping would go away.

Some of the jumpers came flying in really fast, and others just kind of coasted in.

It was so cool to get to be so close to them as they landed.

On the ground, they had that massive parachute to deal with.

We got to see a demonstration of how they repacked their own parachutes.

It was really interesting to watch and learn.
But, after much waiting, the weather finally decided to make up its mind and stay cloudy.
So, the tandem jump was postponed.
In fact, my dad is jumping TODAY. But I don’t think I’ll be able to go and take photos. I’m really bummed.
But it was fun to get to learn a little bit more about the Golden Knights, and take some photos of them!
Thanks for looking!
My dad got the chance to skydive with the Golden Knights. And while Mother Nature had other plans, we got to see the Knights in action!
What an adventure for him. Bummed that I didnt get to see pics of him acutally jumping…and you look like him!
I am bummed also. Would love to see him in the sky! We really miss not having your parents in Rockport.
Sorry guys, I should have updated! I *did* get to go to the jump and took lots of photos!
Working on a post now to go up tomorrow! 🙂