In My Mailbox is a weekly feature that was started by Kristy at The Story Siren.
It’s a chance to learn about the books I received or bought this week.
From my elf:
My online book club recently had a book exchange. I actually received these books last week, but wanted to include them in my first In My Mailbox.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
I’m really excited to read Before I Fall for the 2010 Debut Author Challenge.
I’m going to have to wait for summer vacation to start TGWTDT, though. I’ve heard that it’s a bit dry in the beginning and I want time to devote my full attention to it.
For my collection:
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
I’ve heard great things about this one. I actually downloaded it from the iPad Kindle App.
Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
I’ve already reviewed this book here. I initially read in on my iPad.
But, I bought two copies of this book for the Charlaine Harris book signing last week. 🙂
For review:
Insatiable by Meg Cabot
This is the first Advanced Reading Copy I’ve received. Woohoo!
I was *so* excited when I pulled the package from the mailbox!
It included this “uncorrected proof” of the book, some bookmarks and postcards, along with a hand-written note from Meg Cabot!
Squeeeee! 🙂
This book is released June 8. I’m reading it now and am hooked!
I’ll post a review shortly before the release.And, one last time, don’t forget to enter The Book Scout’s 550 Followers Contest!
I guess that’s it for me — what books have you acquired this week?
Be sure to check back tomorrow for the long-awaited Dead in the Family signed book giveaway!
Happy Sunday!
Before I Fall is amazing, and I'm very intrigued by Insatiable. I hear it's about vampires.. 😀
And wow, a hand-written note from Meg! I hope you did a happy dance 🙂
I'm reading the Sookie Stackhouse books right now, just started the second one. Congrats on the ARC and card from Meg, that's really exciting!
Great new reads! Congrats on your first ARC! I LOVE your blog! I'm a new subscriber 🙂