I was instantly intrigued.
“Sam leads a pretty normal life. He may not have the most exciting job in the world, but he’s doing all right until a fast food prank brings him to the attention of Douglas, a creepy guy with an intense violent streak.
— Description from GoodReads
Sam is a great character (and I do so love boy main characters!) and he is totally understandable in his dead-end job and love of skateboarding.
What teen can’t relate to a guy who can’t find a purpose to his life?
And then, all of a sudden, he learns about his powers and has a dark, evil adversary to contend with. All because his aim sucks in potato hockey.
Seriously, funny.
With zombie pandas and a kick-ass werewolf hybrid, this book has it all.
Well, except for a satisfying romance. I mean, c’mon!
There was so much potential. And then…we get no closure! Ahh!
I want to know what happens!
Maybe there’s another book and I just have to be patient.
Does anyone know?
This story seemed so plausible — it was set in a real location and used real-life situations with a twist of supernatural. I really enjoyed that chance from the typical paranomal books.
I really enjoyed this story. It’s a light read that pokes fun the dark, menacing underworld we all know and love.
Wow! Sounds great, Arena! Excellent review. Can you believe I had never heard of this one before? I will definitely be adding this one to my reading list. You know what, I just read a book that dealt with necromancers, I just can't recall the name. Huh. Anyways, I will definitely be looking forward to this one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! =)
Zombie pandas? Alrighty, I'm hooked. I saw this one at the library the other day and will definitely have to check and see if it's still there when I go tomorrow. Thanks!