In high school, I was kind of a nerd.
One of my nerdier activities was the C-Team.
No, not like the ugly step-sister of the A-Team (that would be scary).
We were the Computer Team, coached by Mista Williams in Computer Science and Computer Applications U.I.L.
I was on the Apps team.
And the peeps in that pic above were my co-horts. That’s us having our congratulatory dinner.
We were good.
Can you tell which one is me? Betcha can’t…
There I am!
Essentially, I competed against other students in my knowledge of how to use Microsoft Excel and Word. We had a test where we had to cac-a-late (as Mista Williams would always say) some data and formulas, then do a Mail Merge with that data into a Word document, that we’d have to type.
The test was timed.
It was a lot of fun, and I was actually good at it.
So, when I recently decided to host my *signed* book giveaway, I knew my computer skillz would be put to the test.
I thought I’d show you all how I came to determine the winner in the contest.
Remember that form you all filled out?
Google Docs compiled it into a super-awesome spreadsheet for me.
I’d show it to you, but I’d have to kill you.
I took the number of entries for each person, and listed them out. Each person’s name was listed once for each entry he or she received:
But that list had every person’s entries in sequential order.
I didn’t think that was random enough.
So, I mixed it up:
This was totally random. I used the Random Between function in excel to add a random number next to each name. Then, I sorted the names by that number. And deleted the numbers to make it look good.
In all, there were 172 entries.
Then, I used to generate a random number:
And looked at the list to see the name:
Taaaa Daaa!
Congratulations, Lindsay!
Maybe it was a bit more complicated than it needed to be, but I wanted to be totally fair.
Thanks to everyone for entering the giveaway!
It was awesome and I’m looking forward to the next one!
Way to complicated for me. Oh, I saw a license plate today that said JEDIH8R. Then on the back window of this Jeep or black SUV was a big sticker of Darth Vader's head. I thought you would appreciate that.
That is awesome! Love it!
Lovely blog!
Your a nerds wife. Im a gamers girlfriend.
Nice to meet you. I shall follow this blog.
Its highly interesting<3