Dear Andrew,
You turned three months old yesterday! I can’t believe it. It seems like I was just visiting you in the NICU. I am so happy with how you’re growing!
You are eating like a champ — downing 4 to 5 oz at every feeding. You are a VERY noisy eating, but that just means you’re loving it, right? It’s so cute to hear your gurgles and your grunts while you down your bottle. You’re such a doll.
At our visit to the pediatrician last week, you weighed 10 lbs, 12.5 oz. You are getting to be such a BIG BOY! You can grip my finger and lift your head off the ground for brief periods of time. You HATE tummy time. And you are a KICKER. You are constantly kicking your feet: when you eat, when I change your diaper, when you’re sleeping. Sometimes, when you lay in the cradle, you kick and kick and kick until you turn yourself sideways and stick your feet through the bars. You silly little man.
You’ve gotten really good at sleeping at night. You’ll go for 5 or 6 hours most nights. I’m almost ashamed to say it, but you sleep with us every night in the bed. I just love snuggling with you at night. Last night, you spent the night at Nanna’s house so Mommy and Daddy could get some rest. I cried when it was time to go to sleep and you weren’t in my arms. I missed you so much it hurt. It will be a while before you get to go stay with Nanna again, haha!
Oh, but you HATE to go to bed! You fight sleep like no body’s business! You do EVERYTHING you can to stay awake. Sometimes it takes an hour for Mommy to get you to go to sleep. I sing to you and pat your bottom and that will help sometimes. You really like it when Mommy sings “Ours” by Taylor Swift and “Thinking of You” by Dierks Bentley. You’re going to be a country music boy for sure!
You LOVE the puppies. And they LOVE you! Georgie loves to lick your toes, and you smile really big. You like it, too! And Kaylee HAS to sleep right under you at night. Sometimes you kick her and she just snuggles closer to you. It is so cute!
You’ve started to recognize my voice and Daddy’s voice. The other night, Daddy started talking like The Hulk and you thought that was SO INTERESTING. He kept going until his throat hurt so bad but it made you so happy!
When I come home from work, you hear my voice and look around for me. It makes me feel so good to know that you recognize me! You smile really big and laugh occasionally. I can’t wait until you laugh more often. That sound just warms my heart. You are such a happy baby. I love you so much!
Your Momma
He’s so cute! I can’t believe he’s already 3 months old!